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Matthew and Stewart first met in Melbourne, Australia, in 1975. In 1987, by chance, they met again in West Berlin. Both were searching for new musical challenges and directions and together they concieved the concept of Frill Neck. The project’s first performances were so successful that they were asked to participate in Berlin’s 750 anniversary celebrations.

The unique musical experiences that Frill Neck’s concerts offered aroused so much interest that they were invited to return and compose a programme for a series of concerts for the 1988 European City of Culture Festival. Frill Neck performed over twenty concerts, including the highly acclaimed “Klangbrücke Zeitgenössische Musik” Festival.

The creative collaborators of Frill Neck have periodically persued individual projects in Europe and Australia. Stewart has composed a number of film scores, including the renowned “DDR Ohne Titel” (Music released as LP). Matthew has worked and recorded with various bands, notably with RAUSCH on their “Good luck” LP. But their mutual fascination for the new musical horizons Frill Neck explores always led them back to Berlin. There they composed and rehearsed new material for the “Kreuzberger Klangbrücke Experimental und Avantgarde Festival” in 1990.

1992 their debut CD was released, stunning critics and fans alike. Since then Frill Neck have been based in Berlin, writing and recording new productions and presenting concerts